Niche Blueprint

Niche Blueprint may be the product I decide to purchase and review for the month, because so far it seems quite exciting. The guys who have put together this internet package have, to date, only released 3 videos on the web site.

What's involved
In the first 2 videos, they describe what is going to be in the package, and boast that it is a step-by-step process in setting up a retail site, and that they even provide the templates for the sites. They also promise that there is no dealing with adwords, and the SEO process is simple.

Actual site example shown
In the most recent video posted (#3 in the series) they actually show one of the sites that they have, and that it usually is #1 or #2 in the Google search rankings. I checked this one and they are correct. At one point in the morning hours it did rank #2, and in the evening it held the #1 spot for search of "Train Horns" (in a side note, on Yahoo search the site did not appear...until you used "Train horns for sale". Then it was in the #1 spot).

Train horns. Who the heck would even consider setting up a site that sells train horns for cars? But these guys found a market for them and they are doing well with it.

Checked for Page Rank
I decided to do a page rank check on their site. After all, to have a natural search result (I know, a lot of people use the phrase "organic search", but as far as I'm concerned if it's not growing out of the dirt, then it's not organic) as high as #1 or #2, then it must have a high page rank...with tons of links.

The page has a page rank of 3 of 10. It also has very few backlinks.

Low page rank, few backlinks, and a high search result.
These guys obviously know what they are doing.

Online income can be considered one of the easiest income sources to earn…ONLY IF YOU PUT IN THE TIME AND EFFORT TO MAKE IT WORK. There are experts whose books and programs will certainly demonstrate how to make an excellent start., but they won’t do a thing for you until you make the effort to develop your business. One of the greatest things about developing a online business, is that once you achieve your desired success level, you can repeat the process over and over and develop multiple streams of income. Online income is definitely more passive in nature than MLM income.

Costs involved
You, or some of the people you know, are willing to spend hundreds of dollars each year on cooking lessons, learning to dance, and numerous other activities. The rewards for that money spent can be measured in varying degrees, but many of us find that running a website (or blogging) is just as rewarding (monetarily and intellectually) as any of these tasks.

Tough economic times
We all can see from various news sources that there are some tough times ahead in the traditional job markets. This also means that there are many people who are now looking for additional income sources, to not only maintain their present lifestyle but also increase their earnings. Maybe they want to find ways to clear debt, or they could just be seeking new sources of income.

Adwords versus Search Engine Optimization
The use of text advertising can be a way to get immediate notice of your business, but the downside of any adwords campaign is that every time someone clicks a ad to get to your site, you will have to pay. Since quite a few of those clicks will be from “unmotivated” buyers, that will be money lost.

A critical puzzle piece for any online income is Search Engine Optimization. By optimizing your site in a proper manner for the keywords (phrases) you are seeking positions on, you generate a much better chance of gaining higher positions in the search engines.

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