Home Projector Selection

When choosing a home projector, the main consideration should always be what your budget can do for you. After all, this will be something that you are getting for an enjoyable home theater experience.

With an eye towards your pocketbook, your first choice will be between LCD and DLP home projector models. DLP projectors are being rated for better image quality (overall), and they don't tend to suffer from the screendoor image effect that happened with older model LCD projectors.

The screendoor effect was caused by the separation of the pixels in the projector, but it hass been less noticeable in the newer model LCD projectors.

With the whole viewing world going ga-ga over High Defition viewing (not to be confused with high def TV signals), you also have to be sure that your selected projector can produce images of 720p, 1080i, or 1080p. The "i" and "p" are designations for the type of scanning the home projector uses in it's images. The "p" types do produce a better image, so a 720p is comparable to a 1080i.

How many lumens do you need? This is entirely up to where you will be using the projector. If the room has a lot of natural light, then you will want to go with a higher end lumen count. If you will have the curtains drawn and the lights turned off, then a lower lumen projector will do a good job for you.

Information source: http://www.newhomeprojector.com


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