End of the year.

As the year draws to a close, it feels right to do a summation of how things have progressed. To be honest, starting this blog was done as a exercise in getting started (on the cheap) in the world of online business. Granted, it has been a heck of a learning curve (and still learning), but overall it's been fun and interesting.

New Products
In the upcoming year, I will try to make a point of at least trying out 1 new product per month that relates to running a online business. This will mean that I'll give the product a good test run, and then report back if it is worth spending your money on. The good thing about the majority of the products I'll be test driving is that they offer a money-back guarantee. I probably won't be asking for my money back on any of them as long as they can do one thing for me.

Teach me something new and of value. Regardless of the purchase price, if the material can show me something that is of value to me, then the price is worth it.

Comparison to Higher Level Education

I've used this analogy before, but consider the costs involved with going to college to be a lwayer. You will have your initial tuition fees, and then your book fees. What guarantee do you have that you will succeed as a lawyer?

None. They will tell you that if you work hard, and apply yourself, then you should do well enough to be able to enter the 2nd year. More tuition fees, book fees, apply yourself, work hard...and then on to your 3rd year. After you mamage to complet the course, you still have to pass the bar exam for your state.

After all of that, you still haven't landed your first client.

Running a online business isn't quite that complicated. You are still going to have start-up costs, and you should make a point of trying to stay current with any literature that can assist you in promoting and running your business. Just keep in mind that if you expect to be rich overnight, then you are in for disappointment.


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