Some thoughts on effective marketing

Effective advertising is a piece of a whole marketing strategy. Advertising should never be thought of as separate from marketing, simply because whenever a business advertises it is either supporting (or not supporting) the primary message and that defines the business. First and foremost, effective advertising is important for the product to reach various markets. Advertising catches the attention of the customer, however if its not going to be effective, its not going to serve the designated purpose.

The ability to reach your target market is the main goal .Your message has to have meaning for them, and the placement of your message is just as important. If your target group lives in a warm climate, an ad about enjoying a hot bowl of soup on a snowy day is not going to be the best of ideas. Targetted advertising is about participation. Effective advertising is one that causes the brand to be added to the consumers’ consideration set. The third factor , of course, is to lead to the consumers’ action, change attitudes and perception, and finally to purchase that brand. In a way, it’s a dance. The consumer is your partner, and is willing to go along with you as long as you are taking them where you both wish to go.

Considering that relatively few people are employed in the advertising industry, it can be amazing that businesses spend a lot of money on advertising. Buying the exposure time in the media does take up the bulk of the money- the most popular mediums are newspapers , television and radio . Business is involved with profit and concrete ways of achieving it. .

It was not expected for ads to do any actual, immediate selling. However, over the last decade-and-a-half, it has been demostrated that ads also have the power to persuade the consumer to buy. Advertisers advertise because competitors advertise, that is the main drive to advertise. If you can get away without advertising, save your money. In conveying new information, building awareness, (enhancing credibility, etc.) advertising has short-term power. The long-term power is seen by conveying brand image, attaching emotional values to the brand, building positive reputation, etc. The great power of advertising is seldom achieved in practice, but you shouldn’t give up.

One of the biggest expenses for any new business can be advertising, and for good reason. You can’t survive without effective advertising and effective advertising is expensive. This expense can be seen not only as money spent , but also in time spent researching. Advertising on the Internet is no different from other advertising media. It's a charge for each person who sees your message.

Internet ads are now following close behind. Website visitors will read and click on your advertisements when they are delivered in context with a specific search or area of interest. Your ad will be read when they read news in your product category.

Consumers will trust a feature in a reputable magazine (such as Car & Driver, or Consumer Reports) describing why the Ford Taurus is the best in its class more than they will a slick advertisement from Ford claiming that it stands above the competition. A reputation of safety wasn’e gained by Volvo through advertising. Before talking to a sales person, consumers prefer being informed , even if they plan on making their purchase off-line. An excellent example can be seen in the way that many car buyers are researching the fair price for the car they're interested in purchasing before they go to a dealership.

It should always be remembered that honest, congruent (and therefore effective) advertising is what we are seeking as a end result. From the profession and skill of advertising there are some valuable lessons to be learned . If the presented material treats the reader as intelligent, honest copy is more effective than "hype copy". Readers will believe honesty but see through hype.


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