A free horse racing system

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This is posted on my other webpage (http://freehorseracingsystem.org/), but since deciding to blog, I thought that I should go ahead and copy it to here. I hope that those of you who enjoy thoroughbred racing can enjoy this as well

Have you ever wondered if what you know about horseracing is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on horseracing.

If you’ve found your way here, it means that you’re looking for something that make money from at the racetrack or off-track wagering site (or make money online). Right off the top, I will say that this is not designed for harness racing, or dog races. I did come up with it as a way to make money through thoroughbred horse racing in the USA (but you should skip Maiden races).

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Before going into more detail, let’s consider 3 things.

1: Morning Line odds. These are the odds you see in the newspaper, racing forms and track programs. Along with the next point, it's possible to see extra income.

2: Long Shots.You will have your own opinions about what makes a horse a longshot. Still, you may have noticed that horses with 6 to 1 (6-1) morning line odds tend to win races more often than those with higher odds. Keep this number in mind, it’s going to be very important to you soon as a way to earn money.

3: The horse’s previous race.Yep, you’re going to have to get your hands on a track program, racing form….something that will show you the horses most recent race. Due to may online sites, you can acquire these past performances and make money from home thru the internet.

Let’s get started.
This won’t be something you can use on every race. The reason why is very simple. You’re not going to find a horse that meets the criteria in every race. You’re probably going to find 2 to 3 horses each day per track. Don’t get discouraged, in this age of simulcasts at tracks and off-track sites ( not to mention internet sites for those of you who want to work from home), you may easily have 10 or more horses each day.

Point 1: Look at the horses as listed in your track program (or racing form) for the race. There should be a “Speed” figure assigned for each horse for it’s last race. Circle the horses that are in the top half of speed (these are the ones who should be in the money). Example:

Horse # , Speed last Race, Last race finish, M/L odds
1 Speed:82 Finish:1st ML: 5-2
2 Speed: 54 Finish:9th ML:20-1
3 Speed:85 Finish:2nd ML:5-1
4 Speed:77 Finish:4th ML:6-1
5 Speed: 46 Finish:8th ML: 20-1
6 Speed:83 Finish:1st ML:9-2
7 Speed:75 Finish:3rd ML:12-1
8 Speed:84 Finish:3rd ML:8-1
9 Speed:35 Finish:10th ML:6-1
10 Speed:85 Finsih:1st ML:10-1

These are horses from a actual race. I’m using this one because it did present a interesting problem….but I’ll get back to that in a moment. Okay, in looking at the race, since there are 10 horses we will be looking for the Top 5 speed horses. That gives us the selections of #1 (82), #3 (85), #6 (83), #8 (84), and #10 (85).

Point 2: The horse has to have finished 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in it’s last race. In looking over our selections, all of them passes this point.

Point 3: The horse has to have Morning Line Odds of 6-1 or higher. This particular selection process tends towards 1 winner out of every 6 wagers made. So odds of 6 to 1 and up guarantees a profit built in.
Horses #8 and # 10 are the only ones to clear this last point.

Is everything making sense so far? If not, I'm sure that with just a little more reading, all the facts will fall into place.

So, which one to choose, right?
Simple answer, you don’t, you go ahead and bet them both.

If you had 3 horses (or more ) after using the 3rd point, then you would skip the race. As long as it’s just 2 horses, go ahead and bet them both to win (Place bet if you want to play it safe). You’re probably wondering what the results of this race was…..especially since you went thru all the trouble of reading this:

February 24,2008 Fair Grounds Racetrack
Race # 2 Horse Win Place Show
1st 8 El Salsero 42.60 14.40 10.00
2nd 3 Its Bailey's Time 8.40 6.40
3rd 7 South Beach Boy 7.40

If you’d wagered on #8 and #10 at the $2 level, you would have spent $4 and received $42.60 for your win bet.

Earlier, I mentioned that this plan tends to show 1 win out of every 6 wagers made.

In fact, for that particular day there were 4 other races with 1 horse selected in each. Those horses did not win. The money you would have paid out would have been $12, and the money you would have received would have been $42.60. That would be a ROI (return on investment) of $3.55 for each $1 risked. Not a bad way to earn money, right?

In keeping with that idea, I would like to say that it is best to start with a wagering bankroll aimed at being able to make 20 bets at the same amount. So if you’re a $5 bettor, then you’d need to have a $100 bankroll. You should see 3 winners out of those 20 bets, and the payouts tend to be good enough where you would easily double your starting bankroll.

Now you can be a confident expert on horseracing. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on horseracing.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I use a form of the 6-1 shots, but not always the 6-1. 4-1 shots win and are in the money for my supers, which is all I play.
I never play Favorites, and am strictly looking for hi supers. I had 3 last year at 99 grand, 56 grand, and a few in the 20's.

Here is the key--I use no form, and use the ML only.
I also play only one race per day.
There has to be 10 nags in the gate, or no play.
The 99 super last year was won on a bet of $1.20, using 20 cent supers (took the whole pool)
I took the whole pool last year (2009) three times.
I never bet more than 5 dollars, and when making my super, never play any horse more than once.

I have another play which is called the Secret Play, and this is good as well. However, I like the 20 cent supers better.

Hope this helps. Oh, I almost forgot--I have a bit of an edge, as I was a bookie 35 years ago, so that helped.(3 arrests, 0 convictions.)

I play on my computer ; do not attend the track.Tomorrow, I am buying a new truck for my son. He doesn't know yet.
I'll sign off now, using my new name> track sloppy.<
Like my name?

Best of luck. I find that if you play, you can pick up little nuggets of wisdom as you go along.

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