Tips to speed up a slow computer

Your computer seems to have come to a crawl, down from those excellent speeds you enjoyed when you first started it up. Computer repair might seem to be high on your list at this time. Well, you're not alone. It's a very common problem that we all have to face.

Before you take your PC to the computer repair shop, there are a few things that can be done to increase your PC speed. It could just be that you're on a older model, and you've had the chance (at work, friend's place, etc.) to make use of a newer PC, so yours appears slower by comparison. Also, many newer applications run at a faster pace and use more memory then in the past.

Before seeking computer repair assistance, here are a few simple steps you can take to give some more pep to your computer's step.

Uninstall unused programs. Take a look at programs that you haven't used in a long while, or simply no longer have a need for and get rid of them. While you're at it, click Start, and then Run. Type in "msconfig" in the search box, and hit enter. Then click the Start-up tab and look over the items listed. Some of them should be left alone (needed by Windows), but other ones? If you don't really need them coming up when you start Windows, then de-select them.

Scan for virus and spyware. If you already have a anti-virus/anti-spyware utility, then you should be in good shape. If you don't have one, or simply want a good working free version, I'd like to suggest ThreatFire. It does a very good job at detecting threats before most other companies even label them as threats. You can download a copy at .

Defragment your hard drive. This is something that should fall under the category of "Once a month" maintenance. Your computer doesn't always store new info as one lump on your hard drive. It will stick bits and pieces in every available spot. A defragment will allow your PC to go ahead and put all those bits and pieces into some form of order, and that will help to speed it up when it goes looking for those files.

If you've had your PC for any length of time, you really should go ahead and clean up your registry. There has been some debate over whether or not PC registry cleaners really work. I've noticed a definite improvement on my computer after using a PC registry cleaner. You've probably trashed some files, and possibly downloaded music (and removed them) from your computer. Unfortunately the registry may still contain some of those old "paths" to contents no longer around. Here are a few links to some very good Registry Cleaners. . Vista Certified

These are some the fastest and simplest things you can do to speed up your comp, without going into the hardware contents of your PC.


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