Recent posts.

Some of my recent posts may have come across as business opportunities, or ways to earn cash from home (not to mention sounding like advertising for affiliate marketing). There is a very good reason for that, and I hope you'll be patient with me as I go along.

Idiot Proof Clickbank Trick Makes $6,513 In 24 Hours

Is there a favorite TV show that you like to watch? On Mondays I like watching "How I Met Your Mother" on CBS, and then change the channel to catch "Heroes" on NBC. "House M.D." is another have to watch show. Like many people, i will go on and on about these shows to anyone who will listen (and quite a few times to those who care less....noticed by their eyes glazing over). In a way, I am providing advertising for these shows. Too bad I can't earn cash from home for all the additional viewers I may have sent to these shows.

How about a movie that you've gone to the theater to see? If it was a good one, then you probably came back and raved about it to your friends, encouraging them to go and see it on the big screen. Almost sounds as if you are into affiliate marketing, doesn't it? The big difference is that you're not seeing a dime from the studios. So much for that business opportunity.

As a way to make money on the internet, and earn cash from home, if you happen across a product or service that makes you happy (ecstatic, jumping up and get the picture), and there is a chance for you to make money with that product thru affiliate marketing...then go for it!!

Maybe you won't rake in piles of money, or maybe you will. But there is the possibility that you will make money just by doing what you've done in the past for movies and TV shows.

Which is, letting other people know how much you like the product/service, and where they can get their hands on it.


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